Remedial massage


Massage for health

Remedial massage is for musculoskeletal and stress relief


Massage Health Strategies

Marcia is a professional remedial massage therapist and aromatherapist with over 15 years of clinical experience. She holds post graduate certifications in lymphatic drainage, oncology massage and aromatherapy facials. She is passionate about helping others achieve good health and her work is absolutely essential for the health and stress management of patients. Marcia excels in…

shoulder massage

Massage – Scar Tissue Release

Additionally, Marcia specialises in the renowned Scar Tissue Release and Integrated Therapies (STRAIT) Method, helping patients treat the physiological affects of scar tissue for both functional and cosmetic reasons. Old scars and chronic scar tissue may exert abnormal pulling forces and tension on other tissue and joints (compensation) causing chronic pain and decreased mobility. The…