Pain management

Pain management

Pain is the most widely researched indication for acupuncture, with hundreds of well designed clinical trials involving thousands of patients leading to firm conclusions on efficacy and positive health outcomes. There are a good number of meta-analyses of these trials in the literature.



Cupping is a traditional Chinese therapy that involves using small glass cups or bamboo jars to create a suction on the skin. This technique is believed to improve blood flow, purge the body of toxins and promote the flow of vital energy, Qi, which in turn helps alleviate various health issues such as pain, inflammation…

Scraping or ‘gua sha’

Scraping or ‘gua sha’

Gua sha is a traditional Chinese practice that involves scraping the skin with a smooth tool to promote healing and improve circulation. The technique is more uncomfortable than cupping, but also more exhilarating, and the marks left are usually a bit longer-lasting. Massage oil is applied and then a smooth edged tool – traditionally that…

Cupping at Fairwater

Cupping at Fairwater

We use small specialised ‘cups’ made of glass or high grade plastic and a method of creating a vacuum (variable) within the cup while it sits on the skin over meridian channel points. Varying strengths of vacuum are created within the cups – controlled by the practitioner – which cause the drawing up and elevation…

What is moxibustion?

What is moxibustion?

Moxibustion means the combustion of moxa. ‘Moxa’ describes the chalk-like cigar shaped compound of the Mugwort plant (Artemisia vulgaris). As the tip burns the moxa stick releases heat energy and a warm a smoky, spicy odour, which facilitates the expulsion of cold and dampness when held close to body channel points (see Acupuncture). More succinctly,…

Moxa treatment

Moxa treatment

Moxibustion has been practiced for more than 3,000 years in China, and advocates claim that it can strengthen and warm your blood and life energy, and treat inflammation. Moxa smoke can improve the autonomic nervous system and induce a relaxing effect on the body.

Massage – Scar Tissue Release

Massage – Scar Tissue Release

Additionally, Marcia specialises in the renowned Scar Tissue Release and Integrated Therapies (STRAIT) Method, helping patients treat the physiological affects of scar tissue for both functional and cosmetic reasons. Old scars and chronic scar tissue may exert abnormal pulling forces and tension on other tissue and joints (compensation) causing chronic pain and decreased mobility. The…

Massage Health Strategies

Massage Health Strategies

Marcia is a professional remedial massage therapist and aromatherapist with over 15 years of clinical experience. She holds post graduate certifications in lymphatic drainage, oncology massage and aromatherapy facials. She is passionate about helping others achieve good health and her work is absolutely essential for the health and stress management of patients. Marcia excels in…