

Acupuncture can be a helpful treatment for sciatica, a condition that causes pain and discomfort in the lower back, hips, legs, and feet. By targeting the underlying inflammation and compression of the sciatic nerve, acupuncture can reduce pain, promote circulation, release muscle tension, and stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

TDP heat lamps

TDP heat lamps

For some treatments in the clinic we use TDP heat lamps over the body. Apart from feeling really warm and lovely, the heat lamps help alleviate aches and pains as well as other symptoms by assisting the natural healing process. TDP is an acronym for the Chinese term ‘Teding Diancibo Pu’ (special electromagnetic spectrum). More…

Chronic back

Chronic back

Chronic back and neck pain are among the most common complaints of clients seeking acupuncture treatment and a high percentage of individuals respond very well to acupuncture for these conditions, usually early on in the treatment plan. A complete resolution of symptoms depends on the underlying cause, opportunities for treatment time and the extent to…

Chronic discomfort

Chronic discomfort

Chronic discomfort in the muscles and joints make everyday life miserable and over time can influence thinking patterns and even personality. Standard treatments like ice and heat, anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, and appropriate exercises can often ease the pain, but when they don’t provide enough relief, acupuncture is an option with a good track record…

Pain management

Pain management

Pain is the most widely researched indication for acupuncture, with hundreds of well designed clinical trials involving thousands of patients leading to firm conclusions on efficacy and positive health outcomes. There are a good number of meta-analyses of these trials in the literature.